The MSO5152-E series is a multifunctional and high-performance digital oscilloscope designed on the basis of the UltraVision II technology developed by RIGOL. Integrating 7 independent instruments into one, the MSO5152-E series is equipped with super high sample bandwidth ratio of 4 GSa/s, extremely high memory depth of up to 100 Mpts, clear 9" display, excellent waveform capture rate of 300.000 wfms/s, and powerful data analysis functions.
Many of its specifications have reached the top level in the industry. With sound solutions for mainframes, optional & accessories, and application software, it has aroused great attention from customers in the areas such as industrial control, power supply, and automotive electronics.
Analog bandwidth: 350 MHz, 200 MHz, 100 MHz, and 70 MHz; bandwidth upgrade
option supported
4 analog channels?standard 16 digital channels(LA probe required)
Up to 8 GSa/s real-time sample rate
Up to 200 Mpts memory depth (option)
High waveform capture rate (over 500,000 wfm/s)
Auto measurement of 41 waveform parameters; full-memory hardware measurement
Critical Communications
Passive Components
Emergency & Crisis Response
Wireless Broadband
Satellite Communications
Unmanned aerial vehicle
Surveillance & ACC
Power Solutions
AR Products
Entreprise Products